  • Published: 14 Jan 2015
  • Incident ID: 3582

Liquid released from HP Vent stack

Cause & Consequence

  • Release of a harmful substance
Incident Consequence
Hydrocarbon release

Incident Location

Fixed Installation

Incident Activity

Production operations

Specific Incident Equipment

HP Vent stack

Lessons Identified

Routine inspections of standing alarms.

Comprehensive handover of Critical information.

Operational Plant inspections to reviewed.

Incident Recommendations

  • Shift handover process shall include new standing alarms for previous shift.
  • These alarms to continue to be on handover until positive action / commentary allows removal.
  • Modify NROs [non-routine operations] to include checking the level in the HP vent.

Assessment of the number / origin of standing alarms at each asset. Standing alarms that are active due to the set point to be reviewed within the alarm nationalization process. Standing alarms associated with operating mode / maintenance outages to be addressed within the proposed review / rewrite of the inhibit and override procedure.

Identify the standing alarms associated with redundant equipment and identify and provide list to the integrity manager to feed into the decommissioning process.

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