  • Published: 20 Jun 2011
  • Incident ID: 3282

Nitrogen - Breathing air incident

Cause & Consequence

  • Drowned or asphyxiated
Incident Consequence

Incident Location

Fixed Installation

Incident Activity


Incident Info Source

Ruth Atkinson&

Specific Incident Equipment

Air Fed Mask

Lessons Identified

  • The practice of powering air tools with nitrogen has been stopped other than when for technical reasons, there is a requirement to do so, in which case a specific assessment must be completed and robust control measures put in place for this to be done as a temporary measure for a specific task.
  • Utility stations on all sites have been checked to ensurethey have incompatible fittings to prevent cross over. The inspection of connection points is now included in regular monitoring and auditing scheme as a planned maintenance task.
  • All utility pipes to be clearly labelled to a consistent company wide standard.
  • Company procedures updated to incude clear guidance on the controls on breathing air specifically for operations where air fed RPE is to be worn.

Incident Recommendations

As Lessons Learnt above.

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