Step Change in Safety is committed to working with the energy industry to prevent incident and injury.
An essential part of that mission is learning from previous experiences through collaboration. Our searchable catalogue of hundreds of Safety Alerts and Safety Moments are all designed as learning resources that can help improve workplace safety. All contributions remain anonymous to encourage sharing within the industry. No company names, platforms, fields, locations, dates and individuals are referred to in our Safety Alerts and Moments.
Safety Alerts give details of events surrounding an incident or near miss and provide good practice guidance in order to prevent similar issues. Safety Moments are downloadable PowerPoint presentations detailing an incident, near miss or good practice, and which provide discussion points and related resources for use as learning tools.
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Operating Process Equipment - Loss of Containment
An inlet separator water boot level control valve failed to close at a Gas Processing Facility, causing both water and gas blow-by to the…
Operating a vessel - Person in the line of fire
An LPG carrier vessel was alongside a terminal preparing for a scheduled LPG loading activity. After the LPG carrier was secured, one of…
Bunker hose damaged during connection
During offshore bunkering operations, the bunker hose was damaged when it was stretched. A vessel passed the bunker hose to the supply…
Emergency musters and drills
Incident 1 – Emergency button stuck During an emergency drill, it was found that the General Emergency alarm on the bridge was delayed…
Electric shock after water ingress to switch
A shore representative visiting the vessel experienced an electric shock after touching an electrical switch in the steering room. Stop the…
Equipment fell on someone’s leg causing injury
Whilst a worker was moving one piece of equipment, another piece of equipment shifted and fell onto his leg, causing an injury. The person…