14th Anniversary of the 2009 North Sea Helicopter Incident

Step Change in Safety will pay its respects at a memorial this weekend which marks the anniversary of the Super Puma crash in the North Sea.

The tragedy saw 16 men lose their lives.

Steve Rae, executive director of Step Change in Safety, says, “Despite the passing of 14 years it’s important we take time out to remember, pay tribute, and continue to reinforce the lessons from this tragedy. We must also take time to think of the families, friends, and colleagues of the 14 offshore workers and two pilots who died.

The 1st of April remains a timely reminder to everyone in the energy industry that complacency around any safety issue should never be permitted to creep in, we must all remain vigilant. At Step Change in Safety, we remain committed to working with the energy industry to continually improve workforce safety and ensure everyone returns home safe.”