Step Change in Safety is committed to continually improving safety within our sector by preventing predictable incidents, working with our colleagues in the industry to achieve that. With that in mind, in 2021 we have introduced quarterly safety themes which will focus on a different topic every three months.
In July, August and September, we are focussed on Major Accident Hazard Understanding, building on previous campaigns in order to reduce the likelihood of such events.
🔺 Reinforce MAH understanding
🔺 Increase awareness of individuals' responsibility for MAH prevention
🔺 Identify site specific MAH risks
Browse our new, revised and relevant resources, films, documents and interactive tools on our website (link below).
All our resources are FREE to download for all employees of our member companies. Charges apply to non-members.
If you have any queries about any aspect of our Q3 2021 MAH Safety theme, please get in touch with us.
General email:
Gillian Simpson, MAH Programme Delivery Manager:
Kirstin Gove, Head of Communications: