Wellbeing and Work Environment

Managing our physical and mental wellbeing, and the hazards associated with our work environment, is essential to keeping us safe in the short and longer terms.

Managing our ever-changing physical and mental wellbeing, and the hazards associated with our work environment, is essential to keeping us safe in the short and longer terms.

Resources included in this section will help you:

🔺 Improve understanding of physical and mental wellbeing

🔺 Increase awareness of occupational health impacts

🔺 Improve communication and better understand your colleagues



Wellbeing has many aspects including mental, physical, social, financial, and environmental. These aspects are interdependent and influence each other. When one aspect of our wellbeing is out of balance, the others are affected.

Resources new to 2024 can be found below.

All resources focussed on supporting and improving wellbeing can be found on the Wellbeing Workgroup page.

Useful Links


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